20 of the Most Beautiful Beaches Around the World

20 of the Most Beautiful Beaches Around the World

There’s just something so incredibly soothing about feeling the sun’s warmth on your skin, listening to the rhythmic lullaby of crashing waves, and feeling the cool touch of the water. That’s right, we’re talking about beaches - the peaceful oasis that you’re constantly dreaming about. Every time summer comes around the corner, you can find large masses all rushing to the local beach to enjoy the warm weather. You shouldn’t be surprised to hear the beach craze exists all over the world! With plenty of stunning, splendid beaches hidden at every corner, today, we’re going to go on a virtual tour of the world’s 20 most beautiful beaches. Which one will you explore next?

1. Anse Source d’Argent, Seychelles

Located in La Digue, Seychelles, Anse Source d'Argent is as picturesque as beaches come. Granite boulders serve as a dramatic backdrop against soft white sand and a brilliant blue sea. Shallow, warm water makes it ideal for swimming and snorkeling. The beach is a favorite amongst photographers for its surreal beauty, especially at sunset when the light plays off the unique rock formations.

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2. Whitehaven Beach, Australia

Whitehaven Beach in the Whitsunday Islands is a dream come true. Known for its pure white silica sand, it stretches over 7km along Whitsunday Island's east coast. The azure, crystal-clear water is perfect for snorkeling, offering a vibrant underwater ecosystem. From Hill Inlet, you can get a stunning view of the beach's swirls of colors, a true spectacle of nature.

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3. Navagio Beach, Greece

Also known as Shipwreck Beach, Navagio is located on Zakynthos Island in Greece. An old shipwreck nestled in the sand gives this beach its name and an intriguing charm. Enclosed by towering cliffs, the beach can only be accessed by boat, adding to its appeal. The water is strikingly blue, contrasting beautifully with the stark white of the cliffs and sand.

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4. Baia Do Sancho, Brazil

Located in Fernando de Noronha, an archipelago off Brazil, Baia do Sancho is often hailed as the world's most beautiful beach.


Its turquoise waters offer a marvelous snorkeling experience, brimming with sea turtles and tropical fish. The beach is backed by lush vegetation, creating a wild, untouched feel. The descent to the beach involves steep steps, but the breathtaking view makes it worth every step.

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5. Bora Bora, French Polynesia

Bora Bora's beaches are postcard-perfect with their white sand, clear waters, and iconic overwater bungalows. Matira Beach, the island's most popular, is an idyllic stretch with calm waters and ample opportunities for water sports. The backdrop of Mount Otemanu's jagged peaks adds a dramatic touch to this tropical paradise.

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6. The Baths, British Virgin Islands

The Baths, located on Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands, is an extraordinary beach defined by enormous granite boulders. These create a network of pools and grottoes on the beach, perfect for exploration. Snorkeling is excellent here, with plenty of colorful fish to be seen. This geological wonder combined with the Caribbean Sea's azure blue makes it a must-visit beach.

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7. Railay Beach, Thailand

Railay Beach in Krabi, Thailand, offers an ethereal beauty with its soaring limestone cliffs, clear water, and white sandy beaches. It's accessible only by boat, creating an island-like vibe. Along with swimming and sunbathing, rock climbing is popular here, making Railay a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure.


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8. Tulum, Mexico

Tulum's beaches are famous for their sugar-white sands, turquoise waters, and the stunning Mayan ruins that overlook the sea. This blend of natural beauty and historical significance gives the beaches a unique charm. Whether you're interested in history, love nature, or are a beach aficionado, Tulum ticks all the boxes.

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9. Grace Bay, Turks and Caicos

Grace Bay in Providenciales is renowned for its long stretch of pristine white sand and stunningly clear water. Its coral reef system teems with marine life, making it a snorkeler's paradise. With luxury resorts lining the coast, Grace Bay offers a high-end beach experience without losing its natural appeal.

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10. El Nido, Palawan

Philippines El Nido in Palawan boasts many gorgeous beaches, but Nacpan Beach truly stands out. This 4 km-long beach features cream-colored sand, clear waters, and a peaceful, rural vibe. The twin beaches of Nacpan and Calitang are a stunning sight from the hilltop, offering a panoramic view that will leave you spellbound.

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11. Pink Sands Beach, Bahamas

Pink Sands Beach in Harbour Island is famous for, you guessed it, pink sands! The sand's pink hue comes from Foraminifera, a tiny marine organism. The striking color of the sand, contrasting with the brilliant blue of the sea, creates a surreal landscape. This three-mile-long beach is perfect for a leisurely walk, swimming, or just soaking in the beauty.


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12. Cala Goloritze, Italy

Situated in Sardinia, Cala Goloroitze is one of the island's most iconic beaches. A UNESCO site, it's known for its high limestone cliffs, white sand, and incredibly clear water. The striking 'Aguglia' rock formation jutting out from the sea adds to its appeal. It's only accessible by a challenging hike or boat, keeping it pristine and quiet.

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13. Playa Paraiso, Cuba

As the name suggests, Playa Paraiso is indeed a paradise. Located in Cayo Largo, Cuba, it's a stretch of white sand meeting the tranquil, turquoise sea. The beach remains largely untouched, providing an authentic Cuban beach experience. Relaxing on a sun lounger with a mojito in hand is the preferred activity here.

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14. Seven Mile Beach, Cayman Islands

On the western shore of Grand Cayman lies Seven Mile Beach, a blissful spot with coral sands and crystal-clear waters. This beach is a wonderland for water sports enthusiasts, with opportunities for jet skiing, parasailing, and snorkeling. Luxury resorts and restaurants line the beach, ensuring a comfortable beach experience.

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15. Ipanema Beach, Brazil

Nestled in Rio de Janeiro, Ipanema Beach is one of the most famous in the world. It's a social hub where locals and tourists mingle, play beach volleyball, and sip 'caipirinhas'. With the Dois Irmãos mountains in the backdrop and the iconic mosaic sidewalk, Ipanema offers a quintessential Brazilian beach experience.

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16. Polihale Beach, Hawaii

USA Polihale Beach, located at the westernmost tip of Kauai, is a stunning and secluded stretch of sand.


With the Na Pali cliffs as a backdrop, the beach is a spectacular sight, especially at sunset. It offers an off-the-beaten-path beach experience, accessible only by a rough, dirt road.

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17. Camp’s Bay, South Africa

With the dramatic Twelve Apostles mountain range as a backdrop, Camp's Bay in Cape Town offers incredible scenery. Its white sandy beach and turquoise water attract locals and tourists alike. The palm-fringed beachfront is lined with trendy bars and restaurants, making it a vibrant spot both day and night.

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18. Matemwe Beach, Zanzibar

Matemwe Beach in Zanzibar is a serene and beautiful beach with powdery white sand and a clear, turquoise sea. The coral reef just offshore is home to a variety of marine life, offering superb snorkeling and diving opportunities. Fishing dhows sailing along the horizon at sunset present a captivating picture of local life.

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19. Maya Bay, Thailand

Maya Bay on Koh Phi Phi Leh became famous after being featured in the movie "The Beach". Enclosed by 100-meter-high cliffs, the beach boasts white sand and clear water filled with colorful fish. Currently, it's closed for rehabilitation, a move to restore the beach's natural beauty affected by tourism.

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20. Pfeiffer Beach, USA

Pfeiffer Beach in Big Sur, California, is renowned for its purple sand and iconic keyhole rock. The sand gets its color from manganese garnet deposits in the surrounding cliffs.


It's off the beaten path, offering a unique and tranquil beach experience. The sight of the sun setting through the keyhole rock is unforgettable.

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From pink sands to granite boulders, from towering cliffs to shipwrecks, every beach on this list tells a unique story and is so different from one another. The next time you’re planning a beach holiday, why not consider one from this list? Offering you the ultimate combination of relaxation, beauty, and wonder, you can’t go wrong with any of these 20 beautiful beaches.