20 Rare Animals You Can Only Find in Asia

20 Rare Animals You Can Only Find in Asia

Can You Find These Animals In Their Natural Habitats?

Asia is home to a number of rare animals. Unfortunately, many of them are so hard to find not because they are such elusive creatures but because of poaching and deforestation. Your in luck if you get the chance to see any of these beautiful animals that call Asia home. That's why we have compiled a list of 20 rare animals you can only find in the continent, so you can be on the lookout and catch some amazingly rare sightings! 

Tiger1Photo by Geranimo on Unsplash

1. Pangolins

Pangolins are cute little armor scaled mammals. Unfortunately, due to their habit shrinking and poachers they are getting more and more endangered each day. Their meat and scales fetch a high price in the black market.

Studio-Crevettes-Mttpam2Uarm-UnsplashPhoto by Studio Crevettes on Unsplash

2. Snow Leopards

Snow leopards love climbing around in the mountains. They have both thick fur and long tails that help them survive the harsh conditions. They are quite majestic creatures!

Janosch-Diggelmann-Wnpxuzgagss-UnsplashPhoto by Janosch Diggelmann on Unsplash 

3. Saolas

Sometimes referred to as the "Asian unicorn,” the Saola is quite rare to find. They have become so endangered in the wild and are naturally elusive creatures. If you get to see one up close you’re in luck!

Pseudoryx NghetinhensisPhoto by Silviculture on Wikimedia Commons

4. Red Pandas

Red pandas are super cute and small bear like mammals. You’ll recognize them by their reddish fur and thick bushy tails. You can always find them munching on a bunch of bamboo.


Niels-Baars-Nperxpoexzo-UnsplashPhoto by Niels Baars on Unsplash

5. Bengal Tigers

The Bengal tiger is the king of the jungle in Asia. They are all over the place, but are under threat from poachers and deforestation. When you think of a Tiger the Bengal Tiger is what you’re thinking of.

Frida-Lannerstrom-Ido A-Dxrcy-UnsplashPhoto by Frida Lannerström on Unsplash 

6. Javan Rhinoceros

There are only roughly 100 Javan rhinoceros in the world. On the verge of extinction, they will mainly be found in a zoo to keep them safe. Witness their massive horns up close!

Joel-Herzog-1Xetoxstk Y-UnsplashPhoto by joel herzog on Unsplash

7. Ganges River Dolphins

The Ganges River dolphin, is one of the few freshwater dolphins in the world. Water pollution is effecting their habit, so they are becoming rarer and rarer each day. I wanna swim with the dolphins!

Ganges River Dolphin CroppedPhoto by Kukil Gogoi on Wikimedia Commons

8. Sumatran Orangutans

Sumatran orangutans are some of the smartest mammals in the world next to humans. These orangutans are orange, massive and so smart they are beginning to use tools. Come see them in action!

Simone-Millward-Nkgio 6E 4K-UnsplashPhoto by Simone Millward on Unsplash

9. Amur Leopards

The Amur leopard is one of the biggest cats in the world. Their amazing fur patterns allow them to easily hid in tall grass. Unfortunately, like many animals on this list they are quite endangered.

Rezal-Scharfe-Urhczcr7Tke-UnsplashPhoto by Rezal Scharfe on Unsplash

10. Sunda Clouded Leopards

Sunda clouded leopards are unique for their fur patterns. Many people get them mixed up with Amur leopards, but they are smaller and their fur while similar from a distance is quite different.


Clouded Leopard, Cat Survival Trust (4903773455)Photo by Spencer Wright on Wikimedia Commons

11. Asian Elephants

Asian elephants can be found all across the continent. Strict rules have been created for poachers specifically for elephants so that they don’t go after their ivory horns. These massive mammals are treated well for their smarts, and cultural importance.

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12. Philippine Eagles

The Philippine eagle is one of the largest eagles in the world. It is entirely capable of eating small monkeys. If you’re lucky you may get to see one on the hunt.

640Px-Pithecophaga JefferyiPhoto by scorpious18 on Wikimedia Commons

13. Borneo Pygmy Elephants

The Borneo pygmy elephant is one of the smallest elephant species in the world. Unfortunately, they are not nearly as protected as their larger Asian cousins. They are however, just as smart and amazing creatures.

640Px-Borneo Pygmy ElephantPhoto by Markac89 on Wikimedia Commons

14. Malayan Tapirs

The Malayan tapir, is an anteater species that is known for its white belly and black head. You’ll find them roaming around the forests of Southeast Asia. They are very unique looking creatures!

Tapirus Indicus 20230407Photo by 1841Hongkong on Wikimedia Commons

15. Indochinese Tigers

Indochinese tigers are a smaller species you’ll find hiking in Southeast Asian forests. They are still quite deadly so be careful. Poachers have almost made them extinct, but you may still get lucky and see one.

Frida-Lannerstrom-76Dgucmupv4-UnsplashPhoto by Frida Lannerström on Unsplash 

16. Proboscis Monkeys

The proboscis monkey, is a silly looking mammal known for its huge nose. They are typically found in the rainforests of Borneo but due to habitat loss they are may be spotted scrounging for food near the local towns.


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17. Chinese Giant Salamanders

The Chinese giant salamander are the largest amphibians found on the planet. They tend to swim in mountain streams, so be on the lookout if you go into the water. They have toxins in their skin so make sure you don’t touch one without protection.

A. Davidianus HeadPhoto by Shu Chen on Wikimedia Commons

18. Irrawaddy Dolphins

Irrawaddy dolphins are another fresh water dolphin species that are found closer to coastal areas. Due to fishing and water pollution they are dying off. Hopefully you get the chance to see one jumping out of the water!

Dkoehl Irrawaddi Dolphin JumpingPhoto by Dan Koehl on Wikimedia Commons

19. Tarsiers

Tarsiers are tiny little primates found across Southeast Asia. They have massive eyes for their small size that allow them to see predators from a distance. If you travel to a zoo you may just get to hold one in your arms!

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20. Wild Yaks

You’ll find wild yaks roaming around the mountainous grass lands on the Tibetan Plateau. Their numbers and shear size have made them a target for poachers looking for meat. Similar to buffalo, these yaks massive horns and strength can be quite dangerous. Catch them from a distance.

640Px-Bos Grunniens At Letdar On Annapurna CircuitPhoto by travelwayoflife on Wikimedia Commons