Mental Tips On Relocating During The Pandemic

Mental Tips On Relocating During The Pandemic

Take this as a sign to make that move and live the life you've always wanted to live–elsewhere. Take note of these mental tips while planning to relocate during the pandemic.

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Overcome Self-Doubt

Most excuses we make for ourselves are rooted in fear. If you've promised yourself a move, your self-doubt has likely convinced you to stay put for a relationship or a job, but with the new availability of working remotely and the relationship that was most likely tested this past few months, there is no greater time than now. Trust your instincts and leave already!


Prepare For The Leap Of Faith

Your new move is a chance for you to expect the unexpected, and by that I mean have no expectations at all. The idea of making a major move borrows itself from the imagery we've popularly seen on screen; make the move to your dream home, meet the love of your life and experience a raise at work. These things are very possible but may not be realistic in your first few months and that's okay. Enjoy the ride anyway.

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Trust The Process

Moving to a new city, state or even country will take some getting used to, especially in the odd space of a "post" pandemic world.

Challenge yourself to make new friends, visit places you wouldn't regularly go to and, safely enjoy activities under CDC's new restrictions (of course). The world is yours and includes the space surrounding your new home.
